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Book Review: ‘Idaho’, Emily Ruskovich

Saturday 17 March 2018

It has been a while since I did my last book review. This does not mean that I haven't been reading since December, simply that he book I picked did not especially marked me, at least not enough for me to recommend them. They were whether too 'simple', whether did not achieve to grip me. But lastly, when I was home for a two week holiday, I started reading Idaho, by Emily Ruskovich, a debate novel. I stumbled upon this book completely by change, in the most hazardous way. I went to Utrecht with my boyfriend last February, and we missed our train back to Amsterdam. So we decided to have a walk around the station shops while waiting for the next one. We entered a shop which sold magazines, bits and bobs, and had a small table where were displayed English books. I took a look real quickly, we did not have much time, and I immediately fell in love with the book cover of Idaho, but also the title. When reading the few lines of the plot on the back cover, I knew I couldn't leave Utrecht without this novel. The storyline? Wade, years ago, was married to Jenny. Jenny, one day, killed their younger daughter May, and June, her older sister, ran away, never to be found again. Jenny is now in jail, and Wade married to Ann. Ann who know everything about this terrible story. But Wade starts to forget. Dementia hits him in his still young years, and he soon forget the once existence of Jenny, May, and June. But Ann cannot forget, and starts to live a life haunted by those three females, not part of their life anymore. 

This book is so gripping, I could not let it down. All along, I was looking for answers, for explanations, but it would have been a too common novel if the aim was simply to lead us to an explanation of that dramatic day. The amazing writing forced me to turn page after page, holding my breath, not able to get out of the story. This book is not an investigation. It is a novel about loss and an impossible mourning, about time and memory fading away while life never stops its stream to let you catch your breath. An incredible book that I'm sure I will never forget. A story that will break your heart and leave you with tears in your eyes from start until end. A master piece.



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